
inform [ɪnˈfɔ:m] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. give sb. knowledge (of sth.); tell sb.通知

v. give evidence or make an accusation against sb. (to the police)告密

in-:向里 form:形状→形成 “ 形成 ”→“ 训练 ”→“ 通知 ”,“ 告密 ” formation:形成[根]


formation [fɔ:ˈmeɪʃn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. organizing and developing形成

form:形状→形成 -at(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀 “ 形成 ”“ 构成 ” form:形成[根]


mate [meɪt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. friend, companion or fellow-worker伙伴

v. come together to have sexual intercourse and produce young交配

mat:餐桌伙伴 “ 餐桌伙伴”→“ 伙伴 ”→“ 配偶 ”“ 交配” classmate:同学[根]


section [ˈsekʃn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. separate part of a document, book, etc.章节

n. any of the parts into which sth. may be or has been divided部分

n. department of an organization, institution部门,科

n. process of cutting or separating sth. surgically截面,剖面

sect=seg:切→分 -ion:名词后缀 “ 分开 ”→“ 截面”“ 章节 ”“ 部分” insect:昆虫(一节一节的小动物)[根]


stem [stem] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. the main trunk of a plant茎,叶柄

st:站立 “ 站立 ”→“ 起支撑作用 ”→“ 植物的主干 ”→“ 茎”“ 叶柄 ” stand:站立[根]


aid [eɪd] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n./v. help援助

n. thing that helps辅助设备

a-:表加强 id:帮助 “ 帮助 ”→“ 辅助设备 ”


rope [rəʊp] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. thick cord or wire made by twisting finer cords or wires together绳索

rop:绳 “ 绳子”→“ 绳索 ”


sin [sɪn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n./v. the breaking of a religious or moral law; comm it a sin or sins (犯)罪

sin:罪 “ 罪 ”→“ 犯罪”


graph [græf] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. line or lines (often curved) showing the variation of two quantities, eg the temperature at each hour图表

graph:写→描绘 “ 描述出来”→“ 图表 ” graphic:形象的[根]


trial [ˈtraɪə] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. exam ination of evidence in a law court, by a judge and often a jury, to decide if sb. accused of a crime is innocent or guilty审讯

n. testing the ability, quality, performance, etc of sb. or sth.试验

tri:尝试 -al:名词后缀 “ 尝试 ”→“ 实验 ”,“ 尝试(得知)”→“ 审讯 ” try:尝试[根]


vice [vaɪs] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. evil or unprincipled conduct; wickedness邪恶

n. metal tool, used in woodwork, etc, with a pair of jaws that hold a thing securely while work is done on it老虎钳

adj. acting as substitute or deputy for副的

vit=vic:过失→坏 “ 坏 ”→“ 邪恶 ” “ 非主要的 ”→“ 副的”


rage [reɪdʒ] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. violent and uncontrolled anger暴怒,盛怒

rag:怒 “ 暴怒 ”


logic [ˈlɒdʒɪk] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. science of reasoning逻辑

log:说→解释 -ic:名词后缀 “ 解释”→“ 逻辑 ” dialogue:对话[根]


system [ˈsɪstəm] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. group of things or parts working together as a whole系统

n. set of ideas, theories, principles, etc according to which sth. is done制度

sy-=syn-:共同 st=stem:站立→建立 “ 共同建立 ”→“ 系统 ”“ 体系 ”“ 制度 ” stand:站立[根]


econom ic [ˌiːkə'nɒmɪk] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth经济的

eco:房子→资产 nom(i):管理 -ic:形容词后缀 “ 资产管理的 ”→“ 经济的 ” economy:经济[根]


dam [dæm] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. built across a river to hold back the water and form a reservoir, prevent flooding, etc水坝

dam:水坝 “ 水坝”


profession [p rə'feʃn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. paid occupation, esp one that requires advanced education and training, eg architecture, law or medicine职业

pro-:向前 fess:说 -ion:名词后缀 “ 向前说 ”→“ 公开声明 ”→“ 自由职业 ”“ 职业 ”professor:教授[根]


shed [ʃed] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to pour forth in drops流出(眼泪等)

v. to cast off some natural covering (as fur or skin)脱落,蜕,落

shed:抛开 “ 抛开 ”→“ 流出 ”“ 脱落”


evolution [ˌiːvə'luːʃn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. process of gradually developing; evolving进化

e-:向外 vol:滚,转 -ion:名词后缀 “ 向前转动 ”→“ 进化 ” evolutionary:进化的[根]


patent ['pætnt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. an official document conferring a right or privilege; letters patent专利权(证书)

pat:公开 -ent:形容词后缀 “ 公开的 ”→“ 授权公开的 ”→“ 专利 ”


organ ['ɔːɡən] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. part of an animal body or plant serving a particular purpose器官

n. organization that serves a special purpose; means of getting work done机构

n. large musical instrument from which sounds are produced by air forced through pipes风琴

org:起作用 -an:名词后缀 “ 能起作用的 ”→“ 器官 ”“ 机构 ” organize:组织[根]


individual [ˌɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. of, relating to, or distinctively associated with an individual独有的

adj. existing as a distinct entity; separate单独的

n. a single human being as contrasted with a social group or institution个体

in-:加强 di-:离开 vid:分 -ual:形容词后缀 “ 分离开的 ”→“ 个体的 ”“ 单独的”→“ 独有的 ”,“ 个体的”→“ 个体 ” divide:划分[根]


technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. scientific study and use of mechanical arts and applied sciences, eg engineering科技

techno-:技术 -logy:名词后缀 “ 技术”→“ 科技 ”“ 工艺” technical:工艺的[根]


reign [reɪn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n./v. (period of) rule of a king or queen; be dom inant统治

reign=reg:直 “ 使变直 ”→“ 使统一 ”“ 统治 ” regulate:控制[根]


alter ['ɔːltə(r)] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to become different改变

alter:改变 键盘上的A lt键就是“ 切换 ”的意思[根]


structure ['strʌktʃə(r)] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. way in which sth. is put together, organized, built, etc结构

n. anything made of many parts; any complex whole; building建筑物

struct:堆积 -ure:名词后缀 “ 堆积 ”→“ 建造”“ 结构 ”“ 建筑物 ” construct:建造[根]


theory ['θɪəri] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. set of reasoned ideas intended to explain facts or events理论

n. ideas or suppositions in general见解

the:看 or=hor:看 -y:名词后缀 “ 看 ”→“ 看法 ”“ 见解”→“ 理论 ”


concern [kən'sɜːn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n./v. worry; anxiety; interest oneself in sth.担心

con-:表加强 cern:感觉 “ 感觉 ”→“ 担心”


adapt [ə'dæpt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. make sth. suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sth.使适应

v. alter or modify (a text) for television, the stage, etc改写

ad-:表加强 apt:适合 “ 使适合 ”→“ 使适应 ”→“ 改写” apt:恰当的[根]


fund [fʌnd] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose基金

fund:底 “ 底 ”→“ 基础 ”→“ 基金 ”


subject ['sʌbdʒɪkt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. contingent on or under the influence of some later action受……支配的

n. person or thing that is being discussed or described (in speech or writing),or represented主题

v. bring (a country, etc or a person) under one’s control使顺从

sub-:向下 ject= jet:抛→投掷 “ 向下投掷”→“ 压制 ”→“ 支配 ”→“ 受支配的 ”“ 使顺从 ”jet:喷气机[根]


substance ['sʌbstəns] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. particular type of matter物质

n. money; property资产

sub-:在下 st:站立→堆积 -ance:名词后缀 “ 在下面堆积 ”→“ 物质”“ 资产 ” stand:站立[根]


abandon [ə'bændən] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment放弃,抛弃

a-:否定 band=bond:捆绑→束缚 -on:后缀 “ 捆绑不住 ”→“ 放弃 ”[唯物] bandage:绷带[根]


correspond [ˌkɒrə'spɒnd] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. be in agreement; not contradict sth. or each other一致

cor-:共同 -re:表加强 spond:响应 “ 响应一致 ”→“ 一致 ” respond:回答[根]


oral ['ɔːrəl] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. not written; spoken口述的

or:嘴,口 -al:形容词后缀 “ 口的 ”→“ 口头的 ”“ 口述的 ”


amount [ə'maʊn t] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. add up to or total sth.总计

n. total sum or value or quantity数量

a-:表方向 mount:山→向上→增加 “ 增加 ”→“ 总计”→“ 总数 ”


raw [rɔː] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. uncooked生的

raw:生肉 “ 生肉”→“ 生的 ”


affect [ə'fekt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. have an influence on (sb./sth.); produce an effect on影响

v. cause (sb.) to have feelings of sadness or sym pathy; touch感动

af-:表方向 fect:做→影响 “ 影响”→“ 感动 ” perfect:完美[根]


character ['kærəktə(r)] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, nation品质

n. person in a novel, play, etc人物

n. letter, sign or mark used in a system of writing or printing字符

charact:刻印 -er:名词后缀 “ 刻印(符号、小人) ”→“ 人物 ”“ 字符 ”→“ 特性 ”


claim [kleɪm] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to ask for especially as a right要求(权利)

n. a right to something声称拥有的权利

v. to call for, require, take要求,索要

v. to assert in the face of possible contradiction; maintain断言

来自古法语clamer(呼喊) “ 呼喊 ”→“ 要求 ”→“ 索要 ”→“ 剥夺生命 ”,“ 呼喊 ”→“ 声称 ”→“ 断言 ”


panel ['pæn l] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. vertical board on which the controls and instruments of an aircraft, a car, etc are mounted控制板

n. separate, usu rectangular, part of the surface of a door, wall面板

n. group of people chosen to take part in a quiz, discussion, etc with an audience专门小组

pan:布→板 -el:名词后缀 “ 板 ”→“ 面板”“ 控制板 ”


proper ['prɒpə(r)] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. belonging to one; own本身的

adj. strictly lim ited to a specified thing, place, or idea特有的

pro-:加强 per=priv:个人 “ 个人的 ”→“ 本身的 ”“ 特有的”,“ 个人的”→“ 完整的 ”→“ 完全的 ” private:私人的[根]


shift [ʃɪft] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to exchange for or replace by another; change交换

v. to change the place, position, or direction of; move改变位置

来源于古英语sciftan(分割) “ 分割 ”→“ 改变 ”→“ 变化 ”“ 改变位置 ”,“ 改变 ”→“ 交换 ”


spot [spɒt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. small (usu round) mark different in colour, texture, etc from the surface it is on斑点

n. particular place or area地点

v. become marked with a spot or spots玷污

spot:点 “ 点”→“ 地点 ”“ 斑点 ”→“ 玷污 ”

verse [vɜːs] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. group of lines forming a unit in a poem or song; poetry诗

vers:转 “ 转(下一句) ”→“ 诗句”“ 诗 ” version:译本[根]


consume [kən's juːm] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. use (sth.) up消耗

con-:表加强 sum:拿 “ 拿尽 ”→“ 用尽 ”“ 消耗 ”“ 消费 ”


critic ['krɪtɪk] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. one given to harsh or captious judgment批评者

crit:分辨→判断 -ic:名词后缀,表示人 “ 判断别人对错的人 ”→“ 评论者 ”→“ 批评者 ”


legal ['liːɡl] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. of or based on the law法律的

leg:法律 -al:形容词后缀 “ 法律的” illegal:不合法的[根]


attitude ['ætɪtjuːd] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. way of thinking or behaving态度

n. way of positioning the body姿势

att=apt:适合 -it(e):动词后缀 -ude:名词后缀 “ 适合的”→“ 有某种倾向的 ”→“ 姿态 ”“ 态度 ” adapt:使适应[根]


carbon ['kɑːbən] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. non-metallic chem ical element that is present in all living matter and occurs in its pure form as diamond and graphite碳

carb:燃烧 -on:名词后缀 “ 燃烧的 ”→“ 碳 ”

decline [dɪ'k laɪn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to slope downward; descend斜坡向下

v. to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with拒绝

n. the process of declining削减

de-:向下 clin:斜坡 “ 斜坡向下 ”→“ 变弱 ”“ 变少 ”“ 削减 ”→“ 拒绝” incline:倾向[根]


in fer [ɪn'fɜː(r)] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. to derive as a conclusion from facts or prem ises推断

in-:加强 fer:拿→带 “ 带来 ”→“ 引出 ”→“ 推断 ” different:不同的[根]


involve [ɪn'vɒlv] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

v. include or affect (sb./sth.) in its operation包含

in-:向里 volv:卷 “ 卷入 ”→“ 包括 ”“ 包含” evolve:进化[根]


moral ['mɒrəl] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches寓意

adj. concerning principles of right and wrong behaviour; ethical道德的

mor:方式→礼仪 -al:形容词、名词后缀 “ 礼仪的 ”→“ 伦理的”“ 道德的 ”→“ 教育意义 ”“ 寓意 ”


available [ə'veɪləb l] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

adj. (of things) that can be used or obtained可用的

a-:表方向 vail:好处 -able:形容词后缀,“ 能……的 ” “ 能有好处的”→“ 可利用的 ”“ 可得到的 ”


com petition [ˌkɒm pə'tɪʃn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. event in which people compete; contest竞赛

com-:共同 pet:寻求 -it(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀 “ 共同寻求”→“ 竞赛 ” compete:比赛[根]


employment [ɪm'plɔɪmənt] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n. act of employing雇用

n. occupation (esp regular paid work)职业

em-:表加强 pl(oy):折叠→联系 -ment:名词后缀 “ 联系 ”→“ 雇用 ”→“ 职业 ” employ:使用[根]


function ['fʌŋkʃn] 考频:★★★★★      记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□

n./v. special activity or purpose of a person or thing; work (起)作用

funct:做 -ion:名词、动词后缀 “ 做 ”→“ (起)作用 ”
