How to do it...

  1. H2O can be installed directly from CRAN with the dependency parameter TRUE to install all CRAN-related h2o dependencies. This command will install all the R dependencies required for the h2o package:
install.packages("h2o", dependencies = T)
  1. The following command is used to call the h2o package in the current R environment. The first-time execution of the h2o package will automatically download the JAR file before launching H2O, as shown in the following figure:
localH2O = h2o.init()
Starting H 2O cluster
  1. The H2O cluster can be accessed using cluster ip and port information. The current H2O cluster is running on localhost at port 54321, as shown in the following screenshot:
H2O cluster running in the browser
Models in H2O can be developed interactively using a browser or scripting from R. H2O modeling is like creating a Jupyter Notebook but you create a flow with different operations such as importing data, splitting data, setting up a model, and scoring.