
This code is prepared by Huatian Engineering &Technology Corporation,MCC

in conjunction with other relevant units,based on the demands of former Ministry of Construction's notice"on the issuance of 2005 construction standards formulation and amendment plan(the 2nd batch)."(Ministry of Construction letter[2005]No.124)

In the preparation process,this code preparation group conscientiously sum up our country more than 50 years experience in Industrial furnace design and producing and using,especially the last two decades.Finally,it finalized with solicit opinions and repeatedly discussed modifications.

This code is divided into 8 chapters,including general provisions,terms,reheating furnace,heat treating furnace,metal products heat treatment furnace,fuel and combustion device for industrial furnace,fume exhaust heat recovery technology and device for industrial furnace,health and safety and environment protection etc.

The provisions which logo by bold in this code are mandatory provisions.They must be strictly enforced.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is responsible for managing the code and explaining the mandatory provisions;and Huatian Engineering &Technology Corporation,MCC is responsible for explaining the specific technical content.In the implementation process,if you find the code where need to modify or supplement,please send the advice and suggestion to Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation,MCC Code for design of industrial furnaces in iron & steel works management group for future modifications to reference.(Address:Hunan Road No.25,Ma'anshan City,Anhui Province,Postal Code:243005,

Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organizations,Chief Drafting Staff for this code:

Chief Development Organization:

Huatian Engineering &Technology Corporation,MCC

Participating Development Organizations:

CSIDI Engineering CO,.LTD.

WISDRI Engineering &Research Incorporation Limited

MCC Capital Engineering &Research Incorporation Limited

BERIS Engineering And Research Corporation

Shanghai BAOSTEEl Engineering Corporation

Chief Drafting Staff:

Cao Qiang Xue Xiuzhang Duan Siwen Yang Jiting Rong Zongyi

Xu Wenli Wang Fukai Zhu Zongming Pan Juefen Zhang Afu

Zhang Shengying Sheng Haoxi Guo Yuguang Lu Xiaoqi Liang Chunkui

Cheng Shuming Luo Jianming Jiang Anjia